Tea Time Talk No.1 APRIL 23, 5 pm with Kristiane Kegelmann DIDEROT, Berlin Our first Tea Time Talk, an artist talk series, salon style with tea and sandwiches, presents food artist and designer Kristiane Kegelmann. High Tea design will be delivered by Inés Lauber. We thank Tee Gschwendner for a selection of some of their first class teas for the Tea Talk Series.
Within our think tank, VITAL FORCES – FOOD IN CONTEXT, SATELLITE BERLIN is dedicating this artist talk series to artists and designers, who work with food, or on/with the topic of food culture. Matters, whether political, scientific, philosophical or social gossip were discussed and shared while enjoying coffee and tea throughout Europe for centuries. It is yet another way to create a dialogue, in which we seek to deepen the collective thoughts about cultural and social developments and another opportunity for the audience to engage in our ongoing research about food in context. This in the enjoyable setting of a salon-style afternoon tea, or high tea. Our first Tea Time Talk presents food designer Kristiane Kegelmann. Kristiane is a food artist, creating short-lived art. Her performative installations and sculptures are perceived as a visual experience, which at a closer look, surprisingly reveal themselves as eatable. Kegelmann challenges our perceptions of food production and consumption, in her case the Patisserie. By maneuvering this fixed idea of one field of food production into a contemporary art context, her work becomes unique and complex, playing with the malleable appearance of her sculptures and the possibility to consume them. Kristiane Kegelmann, born in Munich in 1990, has her roots in the culinary field, the patisserie. She was trained at the organic bakery Fritz Mühlenbäckerei in Munich and continued to work at the K.u.K. Confectionary Demelin in Salzburg, Austria. She lead the design station at K.u.K. Confectionary Demelin in Vienna for four years and finished her master training in 2015. Always having had a sincere passion in design and art, she transferred her knowledge into a new realm and started to work as a food artist. Kegelman is a true pioneer in moving a very established craft, in this case that of the patisserie, into a contemporary art context. She just opened her studio in Berlin to showcase her exhibitions, host workshops and events. |